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Summary of 2017 Major Events

Major Events of Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government, 2017


The Taipei City Office of Commerce held the “Taipei Lunar New Year Festival.”  About 800,000 people participated in the event and created a turnover of approximately NT$1.4 billion from January 13th to January 26th.


Taipei Lunar New Year Festival 


The Taipei City Government organized the “2017 Zhuzihu Calla Lily Festival.” The theme of this year’s event was “Strolling Slowly.” It was the first time that the art of the natural landscape of Zhizihu Lake was launched. With the activities of the Calla Lily season, environmental artists were stationed in the Zhuzihu Lake area, utilizing local materials for their creations. It integrated the Zhuzihu Calla Lily Festival with cultural and ecological conservation. About 600,000 people participated in the event, creating a turnover of NT$110 million from March 24th to April 23th.


2017 Zhuzihu Calla Lily Festival 


The Taipei City Market Administration Office held the "2017 Taipei Traditional Market Festival." The theme was "Taste the Market; Travel with Your Heart," and a press conference was held on April 6th. From April 8th to April 9th at the Promenade Square of Taipei Expo Park, the Taipei City Market Administration Office gathered 72 famous market stalls to provide participants preferential tastings. More than 40,000 people flood into the event within two days, and the event successfully extended its reputation as “The Best Stall in the World.” The overall turnover was significantly increased and the activity ended on July 31th.


2017 Taipei Traditional Market Festival

24th Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government, held the press conference for “Promoting Energy-saving Products” in the Atrium on the 1st floor of City Government. It combined with distributors and manufacturers to prepare for the “Taipei Energy-Saving Festival” campaign. The "Taipei Energy-saving Festival" started on June 1 and encouraged the public to purchase energy-saving products. In 2017, a total of approximately 1.05 million energy-saving products were sold, which saved electricity by 160 million kWh. In addition, in recognition of companies’ efforts in energy saving and the launch and promotion of energy-saving appliances in the industrial sector, the “2017 Awards for Promotion of Energy-Saving Product Special Dealers” event was held on October 26th.
25th The Taipei City Government held the “BOT Development Project for Industry Support Facilities in Neihu Technology Park of Taipei City,” according to the Article 42 of the Promotion of Participation Act. On May 25, 2017, the Taipei City Government signed a contract with Honghui Ruiguang Co., Ltd., which is the first BOT case in Taiwan in developing “Science and Technology Facilities- incubation center and its facilities. The duration of the contract period is 50 years, and it is estimated that each year, about 3,600 jobs can be created, and the overall government financial benefit is at least NT$9.183 billion.

Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government, invited 10 Biotech companies with excellence in academia-industry cooperation to organize the "Bio Taipei Pavilion" in participating in "2017 Taipei Biotech Awards" at the Technology Month exhibition, which effectively presenting the development characteristics of the Taipei Biotechnology Industry and its environmental conditions. Until July 2, it attracted a total number of over 1,900 domestic and international biotechnology industry-related professionals in visiting the pavilion. In conjunction with the exhibition period, it held the "Taipei City Biotechnology Industry Business Matchmaking, and the number of business opportunity matches reached 42 times. It was estimated that it would contribute to the investment amount to about NT$10 million. At the same time, in order to encourage excellent bio-tech companies and research institutes, the "2017 Taipei Biotechnology Awards Ceremony and Exhibition" was held, and an award of NT$6 million was given to the winners. By recognizing the success of companies in  international market layout as well as those with excellence in innovation and R&D, it at the same time establishes industry benchmarks and increases their visibility.


1.Bio Taipei Pavilion 


2. 2017 Taipei Biotech Awards


The Taipei City Office of Commerce held the “2017 Enjoy the Delicious Feast at Taipei City’s Night  Markets” event. This event involved 8 night markets with about 10,000 consumers until August 6, 2017.


Enjoy the Delicious Feast at Taipei City’s Night  Markets in 2017


The Taipei City Office of Commerce held the “2017 Fashion in Taipei.” Ten fashion designers were selected, and The Beauty Business Trade Association of Taipei and The Taipei Tailor Commerce The Same Trade Association were jointly organized to perform dynamic fashion shows. Through the exhibitions and performances by various industries as well as the related international conventions and exhibitions, it provided the best opportunity for Taiwan's outstanding designers to be seen by guests from the international society.


2017 Fashion in Taipei


Taipei City's 2nd Dog Sports Park - "Tanmei Dog Park " was officially opened. It created the first national coin-operated self-service dog washing machine next to the dog park to enhance convenience facilities for pet welfare in Taipei City.


Tanmei Dog Park

2th The Cheng Gong Market Reconstruction Project was launched and the praying ceremony was held. The overall project is expected to obtain a license for stationing in 2021, and then it will officially open for operations.
21th The Taipei City Animal Protection Office and the Wild Bird Society of Taipei organized the "2017 19th Taipei International Birdwatching Fair." The theme was the "Birdtopia of Happiness." The number of participants was 7,989,  and it ended on October 22th. In addition, the Taipei City Animal Protection office assisted Guandu Natural Park Management Office to hold the “Guandu International Nature Art Festival” at Guandu Nature Park on November 5th, inviting 6 artists from Germany, Spain, the United States, France, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The natural materials in the Guandu Natural Park were utilized to create natural sounding works until December 31th.

For the first time, the Taipei City Office of Commerce organized the “Taste the World in Taipei ” event, inviting 13 KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) from all over the world to take a five-day and four-night gastronomic journey in Taipei.


Taste the World in Taipei 


Taipei International Design Award" had its 10-year Proceedings Ceremony at Clapper Studio on the 5th Floor of Syntrend. Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government, held this event and It attracted a total of 4,757 entries from 63 countries, in which 58 pieces of nominated or awarded works were exhibited. In addition, on November 10th, the “2017 Taipei Design Award” was held at the 133 Cooperative Social Welfare Hall of Songshan Cultural Park. The Business Matchmaking Association invited well-known crowd-funding platforms, channel brands, and entrepreneurial resources to share and arrange consulting to build Taipei City as a design convergence platform.


Taipei International Design Award 


Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government, organized the "2017 Taipei International Startup Week" from November 14th to 15th at the Taipei New Horizon. And from November 16th to 18th, at the Expo Park  "Leap Up Taipei" was the theme of a series of activities including International Forum and the business matchmaking on November 14th, the  Global Co-working Space Conference on November 15th, and the Taipei from November 16th to 18th. The Taipei City's diversified entrepreneurial energy in different industries was vividly presented.


2017 Taipei International Startup Week 


Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government, held the “2017 Circular Economy Forum” with the theme “Green Cycling; Urban Turnover.” It invited domestic and foreign circular economy-related professionals from industry, government, and research institutes, to discuss the essence and core connotation of circular economy.

19th Taipei Neihu Technology Park Construction and Transfer Project  for Development Plan and Industrial Support Facilities held its ceremony and is expected to officially start operations at the end of May, 2020.