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NO.TitlePublish Date
1【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Is it necessary to provide labor insurance certifications of all my employees?2025-02-05
2How do I register my business if I want to open an online store or sell items online?2025-01-13
3【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】What kinds of expenditure can be categorized as outsourcing expenditure?2024-12-18
4【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Is there any rule about the project duration?2024-10-14
5What are the review mechanisms for listing information about "Co-working Spaces" on the Startup@Taipei website?2024-10-14
6【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Do we need to attend any project presentation to the judges?2024-08-08
7【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Is there any sample of project proposal?2024-06-06
8【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】If I want to submit the R&D Subsidy or Brand Subsidy application, how many years should my company have been established?2024-04-01
9【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】What is the maximum subsidy amount for career training programs under the Self-Governance Ordinance??2024-03-13
10【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Any limitation on the initial date of the project?2024-01-11
11【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】I want to set a booth in the department store. Can I apply grant for booth as venue rental?2023-10-06
12【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Any limitation on the initial date of the project?2023-06-13
13【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Can I list my employee of company as consultant for grant?2023-02-13
14Are foreign subsidiaries qualified to apply for SITI? 2023-01-12
15【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】Do we need to submit an auditing and attestation of a financial report at closeout step?2022-12-12
16What is the maximum length of time for a work permit that may be applied for a foreigner hired to work in Taiwan? Is there a maximum number of applications?2022-11-11
17Can a foreigner set up a joint venture with a Taiwanese or a person of a different nationality?2022-09-07
18【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】How long will it take for the application process?2022-08-11
19Can foreigners register a business in Taiwan? How to apply?2022-07-12
20【Project of Subsidies & Incentives For Taipei Industry】During project period, could I make replacement of material fee?2022-06-09