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Hi-Tech Promotion Center

Administrative scope:

  1. Planning & promotion for the development of technology industries
  2. Promotion of biotech industry
  3. Guidance and Administration of technology parks
  4. Promotion of industrial and academic cooperation
  5. The stipulation of laws and regulations for technology parks
  6. Promotion of technology parks
  7. The service window for technology parks
    Providing consultancy services regarding company registration, legal issues, application for requests and coordinating across related authorities for immediate solution
  8. Assisting bio-tech investors in business registration applications
  9. Assisting bio-tech enterprises in resolving funding, legal, training and operational issues
  10. Policy-making for the development of bio-tech industry in Taipei city
  11. Small and Medium Enterprise Service Center, Taipei City Government Providing small and medium-sized enterprise all kinds of consultation, diagnosis, counseling, training service, and allocating government resources