Water pipe installation contractors can be classified as grade A, B, and C (in Chinese, they are "甲等", "乙等", and "丙等" respectively). The required qualification and permitted business are as the followings:
(1) Grade A
Water pipe installation contractors with NT$ 1 million or more registered amount of capital be, one or more full-time technicians, and three or more full-time mechanics, can contract water diversion, conveyance, distribution and equipment projects of water users.
(2) Grade B
Water pipe installation contractors with NT$ 500 thousand or more registered amount of capital be and two or more full-time mechanics, can contract equipment projects no more than NT$ 1 million of water users.
(3) Grade C
Water pipe installation contractors with NT$ 500 thousand or more registered amount of capital be and one or more full-time mechanics, can contract equipment projects no more than NT$ 500 thousand of water users.
If the responsible person or juristic person of contractors has the qualification of technician or mechanic, they can be the full-time technicians or mechanics themselves.