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Taipei City Animal Protection Office calls on existing pit bull owners to complete pet registration at the pet registration station as soon as possible before February 28th, 2022. Those who fail to complete registration within the time limit will be punished according to the Animal Protection Act

In order to comply with the announcement of the “Declaration of Specified Breed Names of Animals Banned from Being Owned, Imported or Exported” issued by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan on October 26th, 2021, owners of pit bulls (including American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staples Summer Bulldogs) should submit a notification for completing the registration at the Taipei City Pet Registration Station (query website: https://reurl.cc/WqXbmO) before February 28th, 2022. Pet owners who fail to complete registration within the time limit, apart from being restricted to register at the Taipei City Animal Protection Office, they will also be subject to a maximum fine of NT$15,000 in accordance with the Animal Protection Act. Starting from March 1st, 2023, the country will implement the ban on fostering in accordance with the announcements. Violators may be fined up to NT$250,000. The Animal Protection Office specifically appeals to owners who have raised pit bulls to complete pet registration as soon as possible to avoid penalties.


The Taipei City Animal Protection Office stated that, in line with the announcement of the “Declaration of Specified Breed Names of Animals Banned from Being Owned, Imported or Exported” issued by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, the breeding of pit bulls has been prohibited since March 1st, 2022. Before the announcement takes effect, owners of such dogs should go to the nearest animal hospital to complete the pet registration as soon as possible to fulfill the owner’s responsibility. According to statistics, as of the end of January 2022, the number of pit bulls registered in Taipei City was 155.For those who have not registered before the announcement of the ban, starting from March 1st, 2022, to February 28th, 2023, the public can only go to the Taipei City Animal Protection Office for registration and is requried to provide proof of raising the dog before February 28th, 2023 (such as animal rabies injection certificate, etc.), and the overdue registration will be imposed a fine between NT$3,000 and NT$15,000 in accordance with Article 19 of the Animal Protection Act. In addition, from March 1st, 2023, according to the announcement of the “Declaration of Specified Breed Names of Animals Banned from Being Owned, Imported or Exported” issued by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, illegal breeders will be imposed a fine of NT$50,000 to NT$250,000 in accordance with Article 26 of the Animal Protection Act. The following fines are imposed.


The Taipei City Animal Protection Office added that aggressive dogs include dangerous dogs (such as pit bulls, mastiffs, Dogo Argentino, Japanese Tosa Inu, Neapolitan Mastiff and FilaBrasileiro, a total of six breeds) or dogs with a record of attacking people or animals without justifiable cause, they should be accompanied by an adult if the owner brings aggressive dogs into or out of public places or places where the public comes and goes. Moreover, the length of the leash should not exceed 1.5 meters, and the dog should wear a breathable mask. From 2017 to 2021, Taipei City issued 15 administrative sanctions against owners of aggressive dogs who had failed to take proper protective measures. In order to let owners of dangerous dogs understand the precautions to be taken when going outdoors, the Animal Protection Office collaborated with well-known dog behavior expert Yu Chih Wang (Papa Bear) to film Promotional Video (video link: https://reurl.cc/jRg60m) of “Precautions for raising dangerous dogs or dogs with aggressive behavior and principles for handling emergencies” last (2021) year, providing owners with understanding of relevant regulations to protect the safety of people and pets when going outdoor.