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The major policies of 2012

2012 Administration Plan of the Department of Economic
Development, Taipei City Government


I. Mission
Promote economic development, construct an environment of sustainable operation
and enhance the quality of life of city residents as well as economic competitiveness

II. Vision
Make Taipei City a healthy city of sustainability, prosperity and multi-cultures

III. Major policies of 2012

  1. Seizing the opportunities of ECFA and industry dynamics, continually promoting domestic and overseas business attractions and marketing as well as economic and trade exchanges; building the Taipei Technology Corridor to attract foreign and Taiwanese companies to locate their headquarters here for investment.

  2. Encouraging industry to innovate and develop, giving assistance to SMEs for upgrading and transformation as well as assistance to the youth to start their own enterprise, offering related subsidies and favorable policies, strengthening the entire industrial competitiveness, constructing a superior environment for investment, activating the economics of Taipei City.

  3. Continually improving the physical and software facilities of shopping districts and markets, constructing a superior environment for consumption and shopping, promoting the development of economics and shopping districts with rich and multiple marketing themes activities, shaping the brand charm reflecting Taipei City's characteristics.

  4. Promoting energy-saving and carbon-reduction in industry and commerce; promoting reasonable and effective use of energy; promoting renewable energy; implementing management and preservation of hot spring resources.

  5. Developing exquisite, organic and recreational agriculture; developing locally specific produce; implementing organic agricultural products inspection; giving guidance and assistance to farmer groups; promoting Green Economy; enhancing the economic benefits of agriculture.

  6. Continuing the experience of organizing the flora exposition and establishing the "Taipei Expo Foundation" to continuously manage Taipei Expo Park and thereby promote industrial development in the peripheral regions, enhancing the quality of the recreation industry, activating expo-designs, as well as creating opportunities for Taipei City to organize international conferences, expositions or games.

  7. Making Taipei City an animal-friendly city; guaranteeing pet food sanitation and safety; completing the mechanism of pet industry guidance and management; guarding against zoonoses and externally invasive species; maintaining ecological preservation and creating a sustainable ecological environment.
