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NO.TitlePublish Date
161What are the limitations of geothermal power?2011-08-11
162What’s the hot spring area?2011-07-29
163What are the legal reasons to apply for water right?2011-07-29
164What’s the executive objects and fines of “Taipei Municipal Self-Government Ordinance for Guidance, Assistance, and Administration of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction to Industry and Commerce”2011-06-09
165What will Taipei City Government do if I violate “Taipei Municipal Self-Government Ordinance for Guidance, Assistance, and Administration of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction to Industry and Commerce”2011-06-09
166What are the industries or places exempted from 26 degrees Celsius regulation?2011-06-09
167Whether are there any restrictions on the industries eligible to apply for subsidies under the Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development for the innovative research and development fund? What is the maximum amount of subsidy?2011-05-19
168What are the necessary documents to apply for incentives & subsidies according to the Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development?2011-05-19
169How to identify whether the gas security check is dependable or counterfeit?2011-05-13
170How much is the hot spring usage fee? And how to compute it?2011-05-13
171Which targets is suitable for The Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development ? Is the application applicable for small & medium sized enterprises or companies registered in other cities/counties?2011-05-10
172What are the criteria for applying for the incentives & subsidies of the Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development?2011-05-10
173Is there any restriction on the capital amount for small & medium enterprises applying for the incentives & subsidies of the Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development?2011-05-10
174How can I find the website related to hot springs in Taipei City, and whether they provide geographic information inquiry service?2011-04-28
175Which hot spring areas are the tourist attractions that we can take a hot spring bath and admire the geology scenes at the same time?2011-04-28
176How much is the audit fee to apply for hot springs development permission?2011-04-28
177What can I do if I disagree with the sanctions according to “Taipei Municipal Self-Government Ordinance for Guidance, Assistance, and Administration of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction to Industry and Commerce”?2011-04-28
178How to follow the room temperature standard of “Taipei Municipal Self-Government Ordinance for Guidance, Assistance, and Administration of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction to Industry and Commerce”?2011-04-28
179What is the service window of "Taipei Municipal Self-Governance Ordinance to Promote Industrial Development"?2011-04-20
180What are the measurements and results of industry and commerce energy saving and carbon reduction in Taipei City?2011-03-31